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We certainly are delighted and honored that you have decided to investigate and explore our website and find out about who we are, where we are headed, and what we are about.​


We believe you have a story line that is unfolding and desires to unfold according to God’s infinite eternal wisdom, and that because He created you for purpose and intention, that destiny stands in need of you!

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  • Life at the speed of intention

  • Life at the quality of authenticity

  • Life at the power of integrity

  • Life at the level of the extraordinary

  • Life at the leap of faith

  • Life at the expression of the exceptional

  • Life at the threshold of the exemplary

  • Life at the doorway of destiny



Grace – the empowering presence of God, enabling us to be all He has called us to be, and do all He has called us to do.

Truth – the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ is Truth Incarnate, the Word made flesh. God’s Word both Incarnate and Written is Truth, inspired, beautiful to behold, providing us all that is necessary for life in this world and in the one to come. In addition, Christ’s “ecclesia”, the Church, the called out company is “The Pillar and Ground of Truth”, and the place from which sound doctrine is to be taught, lived, and honored.

Relationship – it is the governing principle of the Kingdom and of all Creation. We are related because we have been made “one” in Christ Jesus through His Finished Work.


Compassion – is the deep awareness of the suffering of another because one “suffers with” another, along with the intent to relieve it. Compassion is never helpless.

Acceptance – Christ accepted you, accept one another also, that you may with one accord, glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ


Honor – the recognition of selflessness in the acts of preferring one another in love that leads to a profound and intimate connection between the giver and the receiver (Romans 12:10)

Internal Integrity – is the quality or state of being complete, whole, and undivided. It leads to key shifts in thoughts and behavior, creating opportunities that otherwise would not present themselves. When everything flows together from a place of wholeness on the inside, things fall in place for you on the outside. You move in harmony with the present moment, without attempting to control outcomes. You dance with life, serving its unfolding. You then hold on tight with an open hand!

Diversity – acknowledging, understanding, accepting, valuing, and celebrating our differences and uniqueness in God with respect to race, age, gender, class, and physical and mental ability. In the words of the late Rev. Tom Skinner, “Don’t leave me out of the choir.”

Generosity – we respond to God with a heart of generosity and liberality by supporting the needs of the Church, the city we live in, the State, the nation, and the nations. We excel in the grace of giving. We live to give.

Leadership – is all about serving what wants to unfold from Heaven into the earthly arena. It is about shaping, influencing, and co-creating the future with God. Everyone is a leader because someone is following him or her somewhere.

Intimacy with God – we are a worshipping people, flowing together to minister unto the Lord in celebratory, ethnically diverse, multi-cultural expressions of praise, intercession, and adoration, flowing together in the many streams of the one river of the Holy Spirit.

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