Church On The Living Edge (formerly The Master’s Touch International Church) was begun in August of 1998 here in the City Beautiful, Orlando, Florida. From our humble beginnings in Dr. Phillips High School, through our journey to Hoffner Avenue in Conway, to our current beautiful 11-acre campus in Longwood, we are a non-denominational family of lovers of Christ, whose desire is to see YOU realize your full potential in Christ, becoming the true-to-God-you that you are intended to be!
Our message is a whole message for a whole person, so that in every area of your life: spiritual, social, familial, psychological, financial, vocational, and physical, you can actualize all that is innately within you according to the greatness of God’s “grand design” in you.
We believe you have a story line that is unfolding and desires to unfold according to God’s infinite eternal wisdom, and that because He created you for purpose and intention, that destiny stands in need of you!

Church On The Living Edge passionately loves Christ and His transforming power, and lives to give every person we touch in the City Beautiful and beyond, the opportunity to live and lead their lives with inspiration, courage, and an incurable optimism that is obsessed with every future possibility available in the bright and sure promises of God.
Church On The Living Edge is a vibrant and compassionate family of lovers of Christ, who live the exemplary, the extraordinary, the exceptional, and the intentional; creating a world everyone wants to belong to.